Maha Shivratri - 2016

Maha Shivaratri Festival

In 2016 Maha Shivaratri Festival will be celebrated on Monday, 7 March, 2016.

Mahashivaratri Festival or the ‘The Night of Shiva’ is celebrated with devotion and religious fervor in honour of Lord Shiva, one of the deities of Hindu Trinity. Shivaratri falls on the moonless 14th night of the new moon in the Hindu month of Phalgun (chaturdarshi of Phalgun Krishna Paksha ), which corresponds to the month of February - March in English Calendar. Celebrating the festival of Shivaratri devotees observe day and night fast and perform ritual worship of Shiva Lingam to appease Lord Shiva.


Maha Shivaratri Dates 2015 --2020

In 2015 Maha Shivaratri Festival was celebrated on Tuesday, 17th February, 2015.
In 2016 Maha Shivaratri Festival will be celebrated on Monday, 7th March, 2016.
In 2017 Maha Shivaratri Festival will be celebrated on Friday, 24th February, 2017.
In 2018 Maha Shivaratri Festival will be celebrated on Tuesday,13th February, 2018.

In 2019 Maha Shivaratri Festival will be celebrated on Monday, 4th March, 2019.
In 2020 Maha Shivaratri Festival will be celebrated on Friday, 21st February, 2020.


Legends of Mahashivratri


There are various interesting legends related to the festival of Maha Shivaratri.

* According to one of the most popular legends, Shivaratri marks the wedding day of Lord Shiva and Parvati.

* Some believe that it was on the auspicious night of Shivaratri that Lord Shiva performed the ‘Tandava’, the dance of the primal creation, preservation and destruction.

* Another popular Shivratri legend stated in Linga Purana states that it was on Shivaratri that Lord Shiva manifested himself in the form of a Linga. Evolution of the 12 Jyotirlinga took place on the date of Mahashivaratri in Pradosh Kal.

* Hence the day is considered to be extremely auspicious by Shiva devotees and they celebrate it as Mahashivaratri - the grand night of Shiva. 


There is a reference to this in one of the Puranas, where Shiva himself tells Parvati Devi that this day is particularly dear to him, and that those who perform the prescribed austerities on this day will be freed from all sins.


There was once a poor hunter from Varanasi. His name was Suswara. He lived with his wife and child in a small hut. Theirs was a hand-to-mouth existence. Suswara would go to the forest and hunt whatever game came his way, and thus feed his family. One particular day, he caught many small animals and birds, which he put into a sack. Encouraged by the catch, he wandered deeper into the forest in search of more game. Soon darkness set in and he turned to go home. He was a little worried as the forest was infested with dangerous animals. He did not like the idea of spending the night there. Soon it became very dark. Unable to find his way back, Suswara climbed a tree to be safe from the wild animals.

Attracted by his scent, animals came lurking under the tree. Hoping to scare them away, Suswara plucked some twigs from the tree and threw them at the animals, but to no avail. Throughout the night the animals kept prowling beneath the tree.

Suswara was unable to get even a wink of sleep. He kept vigil throughout the night. He plucked leaves from the tree, which happened to be a bilva tree, and dropped them on the ground. Unknown to Suswara, there was a Shivalinga at the foot of the tree; and so, although he was unaware of it, by dropping the sacred bilva leaves, Suswara was making a sacred offering to the Shivalinga. That night happened to be Shivaratri. So the hunter had unknowingly kept a night-long vigil and worshipped Shiva.


महाशिवरात्रि व्रतकथा
पूर्व काल में चित्रभानु नामक एक शिकारी था। जानवरों की हत्या करके वह अपने परिवार को पालता था। वह एक साहूकार का कर्जदार था, लेकिन उसका ऋण समय पर न चुका सका। 

क्रोधित साहूकार ने शिकारी को  शिवमठ  में बंदी बना लिया। संयोग से उस दिन शिवरात्रि थी। शिकारी ध्यानमग्न होकर शिव-संबंधी धार्मिक बातें सुनता रहा। चतुर्दशी को उसने शिवरात्रि व्रत की कथा भी सुनी।

शाम होते ही साहूकार ने उसे अपने पास बुलाया और ऋण चुकाने के विषय में बात की। शिकारी अगले दिन सारा ऋण लौटा देने का वचन देकर बंधन से छूट गया। अपनी दिनचर्या की भांति वह जंगल में शिकार के लिए निकला। लेकिन दिनभर बंदी गृह में रहने के कारण भूख-प्यास से व्याकुल था। शिकार खोजता हुआ वह बहुत दूर निकल गया।

जब अंधकार हो गया तो उसने विचार किया कि रात जंगल में ही बितानी पड़ेगी। वह वन एक तालाब के किनारे एक बेल के पेड़ पर चढ़ कर रात बीतने का इंतजार करने लगा।
बिल्व वृक्ष के नीचे शिवलिंग था जो बिल्वपत्रों से ढंका हुआ था। शिकारी को उसका पता न चला। पड़ाव बनाते समय उसने जो टहनियां तोड़ीं, वे संयोग से शिवलिंग पर गिरती चली गई। इस प्रकार दिनभर भूखे-प्यासे शिकारी का व्रत भी हो गया और शिवलिंग पर बिल्वपत्र भी चढ़ गए। एक पहर रात्रि बीत जाने पर एक गर्भिणी हिरणी तालाब पर पानी पीने पहुंची।

शिकारी ने धनुष पर तीर चढ़ाकर ज्यों ही प्रत्यंचा खींची, हिरणी बोली, 'मैं गर्भिणी हूँ। शीघ्र ही प्रसव करूंगी। तुम एक साथ दो जीवों की हत्या करोगे, जो ठीक नहीं है। मैं बच्चे को जन्म देकर शीघ्र ही तुम्हारे समक्ष प्रस्तुत हो जाऊंगी, तब मार लेना।'

शिकारी ने प्रत्यंचा ढीली कर दी और हिरणी जंगली झाड़ियों में लुप्त हो गई। प्रत्यंचा चढ़ाने तथा ढीली करने के वक्त कुछ बिल्व पत्र अनायास ही टूट कर शिवलिंग पर गिर गए। इस प्रकार उससे अनजाने में ही प्रथम प्रहर का पूजन भी सम्पन्न हो गया।
कुछ ही देर बाद एक और हिरणी उधर से निकली। शिकारी की प्रसन्नता का ठिकाना न रहा। समीप आने पर उसने धनुष पर बाण चढ़ाया। तब उसे देख हिरणी ने विनम्रतापूर्वक निवेदन किया, 'हे शिकारी! मैं थोड़ी देर पहले ऋतु से निवृत्त हुई हूं। कामातुर विरहिणी हूं। अपने प्रिय की खोज में भटक रही हूं। मैं अपने पति से मिलकर शीघ्र ही तुम्हारे पास आ जाऊंगी।'

शिकारी ने उसे भी जाने दिया। दो बार शिकार को खोकर उसका माथा ठनका। वह चिंता में पड़ गया। रात्रि का आखिरी पहर बीत रहा था। इस बार भी धनुष से लग कर कुछ बेलपत्र शिवलिंग पर जा गिरे तथा दूसरे प्रहर की पूजन भी सम्पन्न हो गई।

तभी एक अन्य हिरणी अपने बच्चों के साथ उधर से निकली। शिकारी के लिए यह स्वर्णिम अवसर था। उसने धनुष पर तीर चढ़ाने में देर नहीं लगाई। वह तीर छोड़ने ही वाला था कि हिरणी बोली, 'हे शिकारी!' मैं इन बच्चों को इनके पिता के हवाले करके लौट आऊंगी। इस समय मुझे मत मारो।

शिकारी हंसा और बोला, सामने आए शिकार को छोड़ दूं, मैं ऐसा मूर्ख नहीं। इससे पहले मैं दो बार अपना शिकार खो चुका हूं। मेरे बच्चे भूख-प्यास से व्यग्र हो रहे होंगे। उत्तर में हिरणी ने फिर कहा, जैसे तुम्हें अपने बच्चों की ममता सता रही है, ठीक वैसे ही मुझे भी। हे शिकारी! मेरा विश्वास करों, मैं इन्हें इनके पिता के पास छोड़कर तुरंत लौटने की प्रतिज्ञा करती हूँ।
हिरणी का दीन स्वर सुनकर शिकारी को उस पर दया आ गई। उसने उस मृगी को भी जाने दिया। शिकार के अभाव में तथा भूख-प्यास से व्याकुल शिकारी अनजाने में ही बेल-वृक्ष पर बैठा बेलपत्र तोड़-तोड़कर नीचे फेंकता जा रहा था। पौ फटने को हुई तो एक हृष्ट-पुष्ट मृग उसी रास्ते पर आया। शिकारी ने सोच लिया कि इसका शिकार वह अवश्य करेगा।

शिकारी की तनी प्रत्यंचा देखकर मृग विनीत स्वर में बोला, हे शिकारी! यदि तुमने मुझसे पूर्व आने वाली तीन मृगियों तथा छोटे-छोटे बच्चों को मार डाला है, तो मुझे भी मारने में विलंब न करो, ताकि मुझे उनके वियोग में एक क्षण भी दुख न सहना पड़े। मैं उन हिरणियों का पति हूं। यदि तुमने उन्हें जीवनदान दिया है तो मुझे भी कुछ क्षण का जीवन देने की कृपा करो। मैं उनसे मिलकर तुम्हारे समक्ष उपस्थित हो जाऊंगा।

मृग की बात सुनते ही शिकारी के सामने पूरी रात का घटनाचक्र घूम गया, उसने सारी कथा मृग को सुना दी। तब मृग ने कहा, 'मेरी तीनों पत्नियां जिस प्रकार प्रतिज्ञाबद्ध होकर गई हैं, मेरी मृत्यु से अपने धर्म का पालन नहीं कर पाएंगी। अतः जैसे तुमने उन्हें विश्वासपात्र मानकर छोड़ा है, वैसे ही मुझे भी जाने दो। मैं उन सबके साथ तुम्हारे सामने शीघ्र ही उपस्थित होता हूँ।'

शिकारी ने उसे भी जाने दिया। इस प्रकार प्रात: हो आई। उपवास, रात्रि-जागरण तथा शिवलिंग पर बेलपत्र चढ़ने से अनजाने में ही पर शिवरात्रि की पूजा पूर्ण हो गई। पर अनजाने में ही की हुई पूजन का परिणाम उसे तत्काल मिला। शिकारी का हिंसक हृदय निर्मल हो गया। उसमें भगवद्शक्ति का वास हो गया।

थोड़ी ही देर बाद वह मृग सपरिवार शिकारी के समक्ष उपस्थित हो गया, ताकि वह उनका शिकार कर सके।, किंतु जंगली पशुओं की ऐसी सत्यता, सात्विकता एवं सामूहिक प्रेमभावना देखकर शिकारी को बड़ी ग्लानि हुई। उसने मृग परिवार को जीवनदान दे दिया।

अनजाने में शिवरात्रि के व्रत का पालन करने पर भी शिकारी को मोक्ष की प्राप्ति हुई। जब मृत्यु काल में यमदूत उसके जीव को ले जाने आए तो शिवगणों ने उन्हें वापस भेज दिया तथा शिकारी को शिवलोक ले गए। शिव जी की कृपा से ही अपने इस जन्म में राजा चित्रभानु अपने पिछले जन्म को याद रख पाए तथा महाशिवरात्रि के महत्व को जान कर उसका अगले जन्म में भी पालन कर पाए।




According to the Shiva Purana, the Mahashivaratri worship should incorporate items:-- 

** offering bilva leaves to the deity after giving it a ceremonial bath, which represents purification of the soul; 
** applying vermilion paste on the linga after bathing it, which represents virtue; 
** offering food, which is conducive to longevity and the gratification of desires; 
** lighting incense, which yields wealth; 
** lighting an oil lamp, which signifies the attainment of knowledge; 
** and offering betel leaves, which marks satisfaction with worldly pleasures. 


 According to some learned people following items are offered for fulfilling wishes:

** sugared milk --- for son

** sugarcane juice --- for wealth

** honey --- for paap naash

** ghee --- for health

** cow’s milk --- for longevity

** ghee with mantra jaap --- for grand son

** milk --- for fulfillment of desired wishes

** akhand bel patra === kanya daan of koti kanyas

** bel-patra  --- for prestige, post and prosperity

Chant following mantra while offering these items:
Tridalam Trigunakaram Trinetram Cha Trayaayudham

Trijanma-papsanhamharam Bilva-patram Shivaarpanam


I offer one leaf of Bilwa to Lord Shiva,
Which has three leaves,
Which causes three qualities,
Which are like the three eyes of Shiva,
Which is like the triad of weapons,
And which destroys sins of three births.


Darshanam Bilva-vrikshasya Sparshanam Paapaasham

Aghor-papsanhamharam Bilva-patram Shivaarpanam


I offer one leaf of Bilwa to Lord Shiva,
As seeing and touching of a tree of Bilwa,
Washes away ones sins and also very great sins.


त्रिदलं त्रिगुणाकारं त्रिनेत्रं च त्रयायुधम् ।
त्रिजन्मपापसंहारं बिल्वपत्रं शिवार्पणम् ।
दर्शनं बिल्ववृक्षस्य स्पर्शनं पापनाशनम् ।
अघोरपापसंहारं बिल्वपत्रं शिवार्पणम् ।

These items form an indispensable part of the Mahashivaratri worship, be it a simple ceremony at home or grand temple worship.



Meaning of the story :--

* Just as the hunter sought to kill wild animals, the spiritual seeker tries to overcome lust, anger, greed, infatuation, jealousy and hatred. The jungle is the mind where all these negativities roam about. A spiritual aspirant must kill these "animals" to be free.

* The name of the hunter was Suswara, which means "one of melodious voice." This indicates the purity of intent and speech, which, in turn, imply a level of mental purity.

* The hunter was born in Varanasi. Vara refers to the forehead while nasi is the nose. The point where both meet is Varanasi, in other words, the point midway between the eyebrows. This point is also called the ajna chakra and is regarded as a nexus of the three nadis: ida, pingala and sushumna. A spiritual aspirant who concentrates his or her mind on this point gains concentration and gradual control over his senses. The killing of the animals thus indicates control over one's vasanas.

* The bilva tree corresponds to the spinal column. The tree's leaves are special: each stalk has three leaflets. The three leaflets represent the three nadis mentioned above. The climbing of the tree represents the ascent of the kundalini shakti from the muladhara to the ajna chakra.

* Keeping awake is symbolic of the kind of awareness and oneness of purpose that a spiritual aspirant needs to reach the goal. He cannot afford to be slack even for a moment.

* Shiva is the Supreme Consciousness that illuminates the three states of waking, dreaming and deep sleep.Offering the threefold bilva leaves to the Shivalinga heralds the return to a level of consciousness beyond the three states, which is the fourth state, turiya. The dawning of that state is consonant with the awakening of the individual.



Traditions and Customs of Shivaratri

* Devotees observe strict fast in honor of Shiva, though many go on a diet of fruits and milk some do not consume even a drop of water.

* Devotees strongly believe that sincere worship of Lord Shiva on the auspicious day of Shivaratri, absolves a person of sins and liberates him from the cycle of birth and death.

* Shivaratri is considered especially auspicious for women. While married women pray for the well being of their husbands unmarried women pray for a husband like Lord Shiva, who is regarded as the ideal husband.

* Devotees wake up early and take a ritual bath, preferably in river Ganga. After wearing fresh new clothes devotees visit the nearest Shiva temple to give ritual bath to the Shiva Lingum with milk, honey, water etc.

* On Shivaratri, worship of Lord Shiva continues all through the day and night. Every three hours priests perform ritual pooja of Shivalingam by bathing it with milk, yoghurt, honey, ghee, sugar and water amidst the chanting of “Om Namah Shivaya’ and ringing of temple bells.

* Nightlong vigil or jaagran is also observed in Shiva temples where large number of devotees spend the night singing hymns and devotional songs in praise of Lord Shiva besides the intense chanting of 'Om Namah Shivay', the mantra which frees people from all their sins.

* On the following morning that devotee break their fast by partaking prasad offered to the deity.The prasad is made from the fruits of the season, root vegetables and coconuts.



Shiva Purana further says that performing abhisheka of Shiva Linga with six different dravyas including milk, yoghurt, honey, ghee, sugar and water while chanting Sri Rudram, Chamakam and Dasa Shanthi pleases Lord Shiva the most.


Significance of Puja Items

According to the mythology, each of these dravya used in the abhisheka blesses a unique quality:

* Milk is for..... the blessing of purity and piousness.
* Yogurt is for.. prosperity and progeny.
* Honey is for... sweet speech.
* Ghee is for..... victory.
* Sugar is for.... happiness.
* Water is for... purity.


 Maha Shivaratri Pooja 


* Bathing of Shivalinga with water, milk and honey pleases Lord Shiva.
* Bel leaves (Bilwa leaves), which have to be a stalk with three leaves, is kept on top of the Shivalinga .
* Ber or jujube fruit is also offered to Lord Shiva, as it is symbolic of longevity and gratification of desires.
* Some devotees also offer the auspicious betel leaves to Lord Shiva marking satisfaction with worldly pleasures.
* Garlanding of represents purification of the soul.
* The vermilion paste applied on the linga after the ritual bath represents virtue.
* Offering of fruits symbolizes longevity and gratification of desires.
* Burning of incense sticks yields wealth.
* The lighting of the lamp symbolizes attainment of knowledge.


Shiva Prayers

For the devotees of Lord Shiva here I am presenting a collection of Lord Shiva Prayers with meaning! Devotees seeking blessings of Lord Shiva must recite Shiv Prarthana with sincerity and faith.

{1} Shiv Chalisa :--

Jai Ganesh Girija Suvan Mangal Mul Sujan
Kahat Ayodhya Das Tum Dev Abhaya Varadan

[ Glory to Lord Ganesh, the Divine Son of Goddess Girija, the cause of all auspiciousness and intelligence. Ayodha Dass (the composer of these verses) humbly requests that every one be blessed with the boon of being fearless. ]

Jai Girija Pati Dinadayala
Sada Karat Santan Pratipala
Bhala Chandrama Sohat Nike
Kanan Kundal Nagaphani Ke   

[ O Glorious Lord, consort of Parvati You are most merciful. You always bless the poor and pious devotees. Your beautiful form is adorned with the moon on Your forehead and on your ears are earrings of snakes' hood. ]

Anga Gaur Shira Ganga Bahaye
Mundamala Tan Chhara Lagaye
Vastra Khala Baghambar Sohain
Chhavi Ko Dekha Naga Muni Mohain

[ The holy Ganges flows from your matted hair. The saints and sages are attracted by Your splendid appearance. Around Your neck is a garland of skulls. White ash beautifies Your Divine form and clothing of lion's skin adorns Your body. ]

Maina Matu Ki Havai Dulari
Vama Anga Sohat Chhavi Nyari
Kara Trishul Sohat Chhavi Bhari
Karat Sada Shatrun Chhayakari 

[ O Lord, the beloved daughter of Maina on Your left adds to Your splendid appearance. O Wearer of the lion's skin, the trishul in Your hand destroys all enemies. ]

Nandi Ganesh Sohain Tahan Kaise
Sagar Madhya Kamal Hain Jaise
Kartik Shyam Aur Ganaraau
Ya Chhavi Ko Kahi Jata Na Kaau  

[ Nandi and Shri Ganesh along with Lord Shiva appear as beautiful as two lotuses in the middle of an ocean. Poets and philosophers cannot describe the wonderful appearance of Lord Kartikeya and the dark complexioned Ganas (attendants). ]

Devan Jabahi Jaya Pukara
Tabahi Dukha Prabhu Apa Nivara
Kiya Upadrav Tarak Bhaari
Devan Sab Mili Tumahi Juhaari  

[ O Lord, whenever the Deities humbly sought Your assistance, You kindly and graciously uprooted all their problems. You blessed the Deities with Your generous help when the demon Tarak outraged them and You destroyed him. ]

Turata Shadanana Apa Pathayau
Lava-Ni-Mesh Mahan Mari Girayau
Apa Jalandhara Asura Sanhara
Suyash Tumhara Vidit Sansara  

[ O Lord, You sent Shadanan without delay and thus destroyed the evil ones Lava and Nimesh. You also destroyed the demon Jalandhara. Your renown is known throughout the world.]

Tripurasur Sana Yudha Machayi
Sabhi Kripakar Lina Bachayi
Kiya Tapahin Bhagiratha Bhaari
Poorva Pratigya Tasu Puraari  

[ O Lord, Purari, You saved all Deities and mankind by defeating and destroying the demons Tripurasura. You blessed Your devotee Bhagirath and he was able to accomplish his vow after rigorous penance. ]

Danin Mahan Tum Sama Kou Nahin
Sevak Astuti Karat Sadahin
Veda Nam Mahima Tab Gayaee
Akatha Anandi Bhed Nahin Payee 

[ O Gracious One, devotees always sings Your glory. Even the Vedas are unable to describe Your greatness. No one is as generous as You are. ]

Pragate Udadhi Mantan Men Jvala
Jarat Sura-Sur Bhaye Vihala
Kinha Daya Tahan Kari Sahayee
Nilakantha Tab Nam Kahayee  

[ Lord, when the ocean was churned and the deadly poison emerged, out of Your deep compassion for all, You drank the poison and saved the world from destruction. Your throat became blue, thus You are known as Nilakantha. ]

Pujan Ramchandra Jab Kinha
Jiti Ke Lanka Vibhishan Dinhi
Sahas Kamal Men Ho Rahe Dhari
Kinha Pariksha Tabahin Purari  

[ When Lord Rama worshipped You, He became victorious over the king of demons, Ravana. When Lord Rama wished to worship Thee with one thousand lotus flowers, the Divine Mother, to test the devotion of Shri Ram, hid all the flowers at Your request. ]

Ek Kamal Prabhu Rakheu Joi
Kushal-Nain Pujan Chaha Soi
Kathin Bhakti Dekhi Prabhu Shankar
Bhaye Prasanna Diye-Ichchhit Var  

[ O Lord, You kept on looking at Shri Ram, who wished to offer His lotus-like eyes to worship Thee. When You observed such intense devotion, You were delighted and blessed Him. You granted His heart's desire. ]

Jai Jai Jai Anant Avinashi
Karat Kripa Sabake Ghat Vasi
Dushta Sakal Nit Mohin Satavai
Bhramat Rahe Mohin Chain Na Avai 

[ Glory be unto You O Gracious, Infinite, Immortal, All-pervading Lord. Evil thought torture me and I keep on travelling aimlessly in this world of mundane existence. No relief seems to be coming my way. ]

Trahi-Trahi Main Nath Pukaro
Yahi Avasar Mohi Aan Ubaro
Lai Trishul Shatrun Ko Maro
Sankat Se Mohin Aan Ubaro  

[ O Lord! I beseech Your help and seek your divine blessing at this very moment. Save and protect me. Destroy my enemies with Your Trishul. Release me from the torture of evil thoughts. ]

Mata Pita Bhrata Sab Hoi
Sankat Men Puchhat Nahin Koi
Svami Ek Hai Asha Tumhari
Ava Harahu Aba Sankat Bhari  

[ O Lord, when I am in distress, neither my parents, brothers, sisters nor loved ones can relieve my suffering. I depend only on You. You are my hope. Eliminate the cause of this tremendous torture and bless me with Your compassion. ]

Dhan Nirdhan Ko Deta Sadahin
Jo Koi Janche So Phal Pahin
Astuti Kehi Vidhi Karai Tumhari
Kshamahu Nath Aba Chuka Hamari  

[ O Lord, You bless the downtrodden with prosperity and grant wisdom to the ignorant. Lord, due to my limited knowledge, I omitted to worship Thee. Please forgive me and shower Your grace upon me. ]

Shankar Ho Sankat Ke Nishan
Vighna Vinashan Mangal Karan
Yogi Yati Muni Dhyan Lagavain
Sharad Narad Shisha Navavain  

[ O Lord Sankar, You are the destroyer of all miseries. You remove the cause of all obstacles and grant Your devotees eternal bliss. The saints and sages meditate upon Thy most beautiful form. Even celestial beings like Sharad and Narad bow in reverence to You. ]

Namo Namo Jai Namah Shivaya
Sura Brahmadik Par Na Paya
Jo Yah Patha Karai Man Layee
Tapar Hota Hai Shambhu Sahayee  

[ O Lord, prostration to You. Even Brahma is unable to describe Thy greatness. Whosoever recites these verses with faith and devotion receives Your infinite blessings. ]
Riniyan Jo Koi Ho Adhikari
Patha Karai So Pavan Hari
Putra-hin Ichchha Kar Koi
Nischaya Shiva Prasad Tehin Hoi  

[ Devotees who chant these verses with intense love become prosperous by the grace of Lord Shiva. Even the childless wishing to have children, have their desires fulfilled after partaking of Shiva-prasad with faith and devotion. ]

Pandit Trayodashi Ko Lavai
Dhyan-Purvak Homa Karavai
Trayodashi Vrat Kare Hamesha
Tan Nahin Take Rahe Kalesha 

[ On Trayodashi (13th day of the dark and bright fortnights) one should invite a pandit and devotedly make offerings to Lord Shiva. Those who fast and pray to Lord Shiva on Trayodashi are always healthy and prosperous. ]

Dhupa Dipa Naivedya Charhavai
Anta Vasa Shivapur Men Pavai
Kahai Ayodhya Asha Tumhari
Jani Sakal Dukha Harahu Hamari  

[ Whosoever offers incense, prasad and performs arti to Lord Shiva, with love and devotion, enjoys material happiness and spiritual bliss in this world and hereafter ascends to the abode of Lord Shiva. The poet prays that Lord Shiva removed the suffering of all and grants them eternal bliss. ]

Nitya Nema kari Pratahi
Patha karau Chalis
Tum Meri Man Kamana
Purna Karahu Jagadish

Om Shivaya Namah

[ O Universal Lord, every morning as a rule I recite this Chalisa with devotion. Please bless me so that I may be able to accomplish my material and spiritual desires. ]

[ Om Shivaya Namah ] 


{2} Shiva Aarti

Recite Lord Shiva Aarti on the auspicious occasion of Mahashivratri to invoke divine blessings of Lord Shiva. For better understanding, meaning of the Shiv Arti has been provided in English along with the verses.

Jai Shiv Onkara Har Shiv Onkara,
Brahma Vishnu Sadashiv Arddhagni Dhara.
Om hara hara Mahaadevaa...

[ Meaning: Glory to you, O Shiva! Glory to you, O Omkaara! May Brahma, Vishnu and the assembly of other gods, including the great Lord Shiva, relieve me of my afflictions! ]

Ekanan Chaturanan Panchanan Rajai,
Hansanan Garudasan Vrishvahan Sajai.
Om hara hara Mahaadevaa...

[ Meaning: Being the Absolute, True being, Consciousness and Bliss, you play the roles of all the three Gods - Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. As Vishnu, you have but one face, as Brahma four and as Shiva five. They gladden the sight of all who behold them. As Brahma you prefer the back of the swan for your seat, as Vishnu you like to ensconce yourself on the back of Garuda (A large mythological eagle - like bird believed to be the vehicle of Lord Vishnu) and as Shiva you make the sacred bull your conveyance; all these stand ready. O Great Lord, pray rid me of my afflictions! ]

Do Bhuj Char Chaturbhuj Das Bhuj Te Sohai,
Tinon Roop Nirakhta Tribhuvan Jan Mohai.
Om hara hara Mahaadevaa...

 [ Meaning: As Brahma, you possess two arms, as Vishnu four and as Shiva (Dashabaahu) ten, all of which look matchlessly lovely. No sooner do the inhabitants of the three spheres behold you than they are all enchanted. O great Lord Omkaara, pray rid me of my afflictions. ]

Akshaymala Vanmala Mundmala Dhari,
Chadan Mrigmad Sohai Bhale Shashi Dhari.
Om hara hara Mahaadevaa...

[ Meaning: You are, O great Lord Omkaara, wearing a garland of Rudraaksha, another of forest flowers the third of skulls; your forehead, glistening in the moonlight which it holds, is smeared with sandal-paste and musk. Pray rid me of my afflictions. ]

Shvetambar Pitambar Baghambar Ange,
Sankadik Brahmadik Bhootadik Sange.
Om hara hara Mahaadevaa...

[ Meaning: O great Lord Omkaara, your body is attired in white and yellow silken clothes and in tiger skin, while in your company are troops of goblins, gods like Brahma and divine seers like Sanaka. Pray rid me of my afflictions. ]

Kar Men Shreshth Kamandalu Chakra Trishooldharta,
Jagkarta Jagharta Jag Palankarta.
Om hara hara Mahaadevaa...

[ Meaning: O great Lord Omkaara, you hold akamandalu (the mendicants water-jar) in one of your hands and in another a trident; you bring joy to all, destroy all distress and sustain the whole world. May you rid me of all my afflictions! ]

Brahma Vishnu Sadashiv Janat Aviveka,
Pranvakshar Ke Madhye Yah Tinon Eka.
Om hara hara Mahaadevaa...

[ Meaning: The ignorant (unwise and stupid) know Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva as three individual gods, but they are all indistinguishably fused into a single mystic syllable ‘OM’. Pray rid me of my afflictions. ]

Trigun Shiv Ki Aarti Jo Koi Nar Gave,
Kahat Shivanand Swami Manvanchhit Phal Pave.
Om hara hara Mahaadevaa...

[ Meaning: Says Swami Shivananda, “He who recites this Arti to the Lord of the three gunas-sattva, rajas and tamas - attains fulfillment of his heart’s desire”. O great Lord Omkaara, may you rid me of my afflictions.]

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

{3} The Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra

The following Maha Mrityunjay Mantra has been taken from the Sukla Yajurveda Samhita III. 60. The Mantra is addressed to Lord Shiva and is a centuries old technique of connecting one to pure consciousness and bliss.

Om Tryambhakam Yajamahe
Sugandhim Pushtivardhanam |
Urvarukamiva Bandhanan
Mrityor Mukshiya Maamritat || 

Om. We worship The Three-Eyed Lord Shiva who is fragrant and who increasingly nourishes the devotees. Worshipping him may we be liberated from death for the sake of immortality just as the ripe cucumber easily separates itself from the binding stalk.

The mantra is a prayer to Lord Shiva who is addressed as Sankara and Trayambaka. Sankara is sana (blessings) and Kara (the Giver). Trayambaka is the three eyed one (where the third eye signifies the giver of knowledge, which destroys ignorance and releases us from the cycle of death and rebirth).

Best Time to Chant:

Chanting the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra with sincerity, faith and devotion in Bramha Muhurata is very beneficial. But one can also do Maha Mrityunjaya japa anytime in a pure environment with great benefit and discover the happiness that's already within.


{4} Lord Shiva Prayer - I

Om Sarva Mangal Manglaye Shivay Sarvaarth Sadhike
Sharanye Trayambake Gauri Narayaani Namostu Te


Oh the divine couple Shiva Parvati !
O ! Thee, the protectors of this universe,
Along with Lords Brahma and Vishnu
We pray to You for our well-being, prosperity and the enlightenment of our souls.


{5} Lord Shiva Prayer - II

This mantra is a prayer to Lord Shiva who is addressed as Sankara and Trayambaka.

* Sankara means giver of blessings: (sana = blessings, Kara = the Giver).

* Trayambaka is the three eyed one, where the third eye signifies the giver of knowledge, which destroys ignorance and releases us from the cycle of death and rebirth.

Om Namastestu Bhagavan
Visvesaraya Mahadevaya
Trayambakaya Tripurantakaya
Trikagni - Kalaya
Kalagni - Rudraya Nil - Kanthaya Mrityunjaya
Sarvesvaraya Sadadhivaya
Sriman Mahadevaya Namah.


Om. I bow down to Lord Shiva, who is the creator and protector of the universe, who is the greatest among Gods, who has three eyes, who is the annihilator of all the three worlds, one whose throat is blue, who is the conqueror of death, who is the Lord of all, who is propitious who is possessed of all marks of greatness and who is the greatest among Gods. To him my prostration.


{6} Lord Shiva Prayer - III

Naagendra haaraaya thriloochanaaya bhasmaangadhaaraaya maheshwaraaya
Nityaaya shudhdhaaya digambaraaya tasmai nakaaraaya namahshivaaya


Salutations to Shiva who wears a serpent as garland, who is three-eyed, whose bare body is covered with ashes, who is forever pure and the very embodiment of sacrifice.


                     {7} Shiva Dhun

                             Shivo Bhokta, Shiva Bhojya
                             Shivo Karta, Shivah Karma
                             Shivah Karanatmakah

Shiva is the experiencer and the highest object of experience. Shiva is the goal of Sadhana. There is nothing apart from Shiva. There is nothing other than Shiva. Whatever there is, is Shiva. There is nothing, which is not Shiva. There is no place, which is not Shiva. There is no time, which is not Shiva. To be aware of this is to be aware of Shiva. 


{8} 108 Names of Lord Shiva

S.No.  Lord Shiva Name ..............Meaning

01  Aashutosh.............. One who fulfills wishes instantly 
02 Aja.......................... Unborn 
03 Akshayaguna.......... God with limitless attributes 
04 Anagha ................... Without any fault 
05 Anantadrishti.......... Of infinite vision 
06 Augadh.................... One who revels all the time 
07 Avyayaprabhu........  Imperishable Lord 
08 Bhairav...................  Lord of terror 
09 Bhalanetra.............. One who has an eye in the forehead 
10 Bholenath ............... Kind hearted Lord 
11 Bhooteshwara ........ Lord of ghosts and evil beings 
12 Bhudeva ................. Lord of the earth 
13 Bhutapala...............  Protector of the ghosts 
14 Chandrapal ............ Master of the moon 
15 Chandraprakash.... One who has moon as a crest 
16 Dayalu ................... Compassionate 
17 Devadeva............... Lord of the Lords 
18 Dhanadeepa .......... Lord of Wealth 
19 Dhyanadeep........... Icon of meditation and concentration 
20 Dhyutidhara .......... Lord of Brilliance 
21 Digambara............. One who has the skies as his clothes
22 Durjaneeya............ Difficult to be known 
23 Durjaya.................. Unvanquished 
24 Gangadhara .......... Lord of River Ganga 
25 Girijapati .............. Consort of Girija 
26 Gunagrahin ........... Acceptor of Gunas 
27 Gurudeva .............. Master of All 
28 Hara ...................... Remover of Sins 
29 Jagadisha............... Master of the Universe 
30 Jaradhishamana ... Redeemer from Afflictions 
31 Jatin....................... One who has matted hair 
32 Kailas .................... One Who Bestows Peace 
33 Kailashadhipati...... Lord of Mount Kailash 
34 Kailashnath ........... Master of Mount Kailash 
35 Kamalakshana....... Lotus-eyed Lord 
36 Kantha................... Ever-Radiant 
37 Kapalin ................. One who wears a necklace of skulls 
38 Khatvangin............ One who has the missile khatvangin in his hand 
39 Kundalin ............... One who wears earrings 
40 Lalataksha ........... One who has an eye in the forehead 
41 Lingadhyaksha...... Lord of the Lingas 
42 Lingaraja............... Lord of the Lingas 
43 Lokankara............. Creator of the Three Worlds 
44 Lokapal ................ One who takes care of the world 
45 Mahabuddhi ......... Extremely intelligent 
46 Mahadeva ............ Greatest God 
47 Mahakala.............. Lord of All Times 
48 Mahamaya............ Of great illusions 
49 Mahamrityunjaya..Great victor of death 
50 Mahanidhi .............Great storehouse 
51 Mahashaktimaya.. One who has boundless energies 
52 Mahayogi ............. Greatest of all Gods 
53 Mahesha............... Supreme Lord 
54 Maheshwara......... Lord of Gods 
55 Nagabhushana...... One who has serpents as ornaments 
56 Nataraja............... King of the art of dancing 
57 Nilakantha............The one with a blue throat
58 Nityasundara........ Everbeautiful 
59 Nrityapriya .......... Lover of Dance 
60 Omkara ............... Creator of OM 
61 Palanhaar ............ One who protects everyone 
62 Parameshwara..... First among all gods  First among all gods 
63 Paramjyoti........... Greatest splendor 
64 Pashupati ............ Lord of all living beings 
65 Pinakin ................ One who has a bow in his hand 
66 Pranava................ Originator of the syllable of OM 
67 Priyabhakta......... Favorite of the devotees 
68 Priyadarshana..... Of loving vision 
69 Pushkara.............. One who gives nourishment 
70 Pushpalochana..... One who has eyes like flowers 
71 Ravilochana......... Having sun as the eye 
72 Rudra................... The terrible 
73 Rudraksha........... One who has eyes like Rudra 
74 Sadashiva............. Eternal God 
75 Sanatana ............. Eternal Lord 
76 Sarvacharya......... Preceptor of All 
77 Sarvashiva............ Always Pure 
78 Sarvatapana......... Scorcher of All 
79 Sarvayoni..............Source of Everything 
80 Sarveshwara........ Lord of All Gods 
81 Shambhu .............. Abode of Joy
82 Shankara ............. Giver of Joy
83 Shiva .................... Always Pure 
84 Shoolin ................. One who has a trident 
85 Shrikantha............ Of glorious neck 
86 Shrutiprakasha .... Illuminator of the Vedas 
87 Shuddhavigraha.... One who has a pure body 
88 Skandaguru........... Preceptor of Skanda 
89 Someshwara......... Lord of All Gods 
90 Sukhada................ Bestower of happiness 
91 Suprita.................. Well pleased 
92 Suragana ............. Having Gods as attendants 
93 Sureshwara.......... Lord of All Gods 
94 Swayambhu ......... Self-Manifested 
95 Tejaswani ............ One who spreads illumination 
96 Trilochana............ Three-Eyed Lord 
97 Trilokpati............. Master of all the Three Worlds 
98 Tripurari.............. Enemy of Tripura 
99 Trishoolin ............ One who has a trident in his hands 
100 Umapati ............. Consort of Uma 
101 Vachaspati ......... Lord of Speech 
102 Vajrahasta.......... One who has a thunderbolt in his hands 
103 Varada................ Granter of Boons 
104 Vedakarta.......... Originator of the Vedas 
105 Veerabhadra...... Supreme Lord of the Nether World 
106 Vishalaksha........ Wide-eyed Lord 
107 Vishveshwara..... Lord of the Universe 
108 Vrishavahana..... One who has bull as his vehicle 


Shri Rudrashtakam

Namami Shamishan Nirvan Roopam
Vibhum Vyapakam Brahma Veda Swaroopam
Nijam Nirgunam Nirvikalpam Nireeham
Chidakasamaakasa Vasam Bhajeham

Niraakara Monkaara Moolam Thureeyam
Giraa Jnana Gotheethamesam Gireesam
Karalam Maha Kala Kalam Krupalam
Gunaa Gara Samsara Param Nathoham

Thushaaraadhi Sankasa Gowram Gabheeram,
Mano Bhootha Koti Prabha Sree Sareeram,
Sphuran Mouli Kallolini Charu Ganga,
Lasaddala Balendu Kante Bhujanga

Chalath Kundalam Bru Sunethram Vishaalam,
Prasannananam Neela Kandam Dhayalam,
Mugadheesa Charmambaeam Munda Malam,
Priyam Shankaram Sarva Nadham Bhajami

Prachandam Prakrushtam Prakalbham Paresam,
Akhandam Ajam Bhanu Koti Prakasam,
Thraya Soola Nirmoolanam Soola Panim,
Bhajeham Bhavani Pathim Bhava Gamyam

Kalatheetha Kalyani Kalpanthakari,
Sada Sajjananda Datha Purari,
Chidananda Sandoha Mohapahari,
Praseeda Praseeda Prabho Mamamadhari

Na Yavad Umanada Padaravindam,
Bhajantheeha Loke Pare Vaa Naraanaam,
Na Thath Sukham Shanthi Santhapa Nasam,
Praseedha Prabho Sarva Bhoothadhivasam

Na Janami Yogam, Japam, Naiva Poojaam,
Nathoham Sada Sarvadha Shambhu Thubhyam,
Jara Janma Dukhogha Thathpyamanam,
Prabho Pahi Aapannamameesa Shambho

Rudhrashtakam Idham Proktham Viprena Hara Thoshaye,
Ye Padanthi Naraa Bhakthya Thesham Shambhu Praseedathi


|| श्री रुद्राष्टकम् ||

नमामीशमीशान निर्वाणरूपं
विभुं व्यापकं ब्रह्म वेदस्वरूपं |
निजं निर्गुणं निर्विकल्पं निरीहं
चिदाकाशमाकाशवासं भजेङहं || ||

निराकारमोंकारमूलं तुरीयं
गिरा ग्यान गोतीतमीशं गिरीशं
करालं महाकाल कालं कृपालं
गुणागार संसारपारं नतोङहं || || 

तुषाराद्रि संकाश गौरं गभीरं
मनोभूत कोटि प्रभा श्री शरीरं |
स्फुरन्मौलि कल्लोलिनी चारु गंगा
लसद्भालबालेन्दु कण्ठे भुजंगा || || 

चलत्कुण्डलं भ्रू सुनेत्रं विशालं
प्रसन्नाननं नीलकण्ठं दयालं |
मृगाधीशचर्माम्बरं मुण्डमालं
प्रियं शंकरं सर्वनाथं भजामि || || 

प्रचण्डं प्रकृष्टं प्रगल्भं परेशं
अखण्डं अजं भानुकोटिप्रकाशम् |
त्रयः शूलनिर्मूलनं शूलपाणिं
भजेङहं भावानीपतिं भावगम्यं || || 

कलातीत कल्याण कल्पान्तकारी
सदा सज्जनान्ददाता पुरारी |
चिदानंद संदोह मोहापहारी
प्रसीद प्रसीद प्रभो मन्मथारी || || 

न यावद उमानाथ पादारविन्दं
भजन्तीह लोके परे वा नराणाम् |
न तावत्सुखं शान्ति संतापनाशं
प्रसीद प्रभो सर्वभूताधिवासं || ||

न जानामि योगं जपं नैव पूजां
नतोङहं सदा सर्वदा शम्भु तुभ्यम् |
जरा जन्म दुःखौघ तातप्यमानं
प्रभो पाहि आपन्नमामीश शम्भो || ||

रुद्राष्टकमिदं प्रोक्तं विप्रेण हरतोषये।
ये पठन्ति नरा भक्तया तेषां शम्भु : प्रसीदति || 


For Bilwashtakam go to my following link:


List of Shivratri Recipes:

** Lauki ka halwa
** Thandai
** Cashew Nut Barfi (Kaju Katli)
** Saboodana Kheer
** Potato Pumpkin Pancakes
(1) Lauki ka halwa


1/2 lit.-milk(fatty)
1/2 peeled -lauki
100 gms.-khoya
1 tsp.-elaichi powder
1 tbsp.-dry fruits(almonds,raisins,cahwes)


1.Peel lauki & grate it with a grater.
2.Boil lauki in a pan in a very small quantity of water(1/2 cup), when it gets boiled drain whole water so that only soft boiled lauki is left.
3.Put milk in a large pan and boil for about 20 min.on medium flame, stir, then put the boiled lauki in the pan, mix well and let becomes semi solid(almost 20 min.), meanwhile grate khoya & mix in the pan.
4.Add sugar, mix till it dissolves.
5.Add dry fruits & elaichi powder.
6.It is ready to serve, it can be taken chilled as well as hot.


Ingredients(makes 8 glasses):

1 cup: Milk
1½ cups: Sugar
1/4 cup: Dried or fresh Rose petals (gulkand variety)
1½ litres: Water
1 tbsp: Almonds
1 tbsp: Kharbooj/Tarbooj seeds skinned (commercially available)
(these are skinned dried seeds of watermelon and cantaloupes)
1 tsp: Peppercorns (whole)
½ tbsp: Khuskhus (poppy seeds)
½ tbsp: Saunf (aniseed)
½ tsp: Cardamom powder or 15 whole pods
½ tsp: Rose Water (optional)

1.Soak sugar in ½ litre of the water used. Keep aside.
2.Wash clean all other dry ingredients, except cardamom if using powder.
3.Soak in 2 cups of remaining water. Keep aside.
4.Allow each soaked item to stand for at least 2 hours.
5.Grind all soaked ingredient (not sugar) to a very fine paste.
6.Use a stone grinder (manual or electric) if possible.
7.When the paste is very fine, mix remaining water.
8.Place a strong muslin strainer over a large deep vessel. Or tie a strong muslin cloth over rim of vessel and use to strain.
9.Press through muslin with back of palms, extracting the liquid into vessel.
10.Add remaining water, a little at a time to extract more.
11.Pour - back some of the extract and press, repress.
12.Repeat this process till the residue becomes dry and husk-like.
13.Add milk, sugar and rosewater to the extracted liquid.
14.If using cardamom powder mix it in with the milk.
15.Mix well. Chill for an hour or two before serving.


(3) Cashew Nut Barfi (Kaju Katli)
Ingredients: (makes 20 pieces)

200 ml: Milk
250 gms: Cashew nuts
250 gms: Sugar
Silver foil for decoration (optional)
1.Blend together cashews and milk very finely, in a blender.
2.Put the paste in a kadhai, add sugar and cook over low flame. Stir till the sugar dissolves and then bring to a boil.
3.Continue stirring over medium flame, till mixture collects together and becomes dough-like.
4.Remove from flame, cool enough a hit, roll on to a greased surface with a greased rolling pin to ¼ cm/1/8" thickness.
5.Cover with silver foil and cool.
6.Cut into diamond shaped pieces and transfer onto a serving dish.
Tip: Those not allowed to eat fats may use singhara flour to dust pin, surface and dough while rolling.


(4) Saboodana KheerIngredients:

4 cups: Milk
1 tbsp: Sago granules
3/4 cup: Sugar
1/4 tsp: Cardamom powder
1 cup: Water

1.Wash and drain sago, keep aside for 10 minutes.
2.When moisture is absorbed, loosen grains.
3.Heat water. Add sago, bring to a boil while stirring.
4.Reduce heat, simmer for 5-6 minutes, and add a tbsp. more water if required.
5.Add milk; bring back to a boil.
6.Simmer for 5 minutes. Add sugar, cardamom.
7.Stir occasionally, simmer till sago granule is cooked, but not mushy.
8.Check by pressing it between thumb and finger. It should flatten on pressing.
9.Serve hot, with nuts if desired.


(5) Potato Pumpkin Pancakes
Ingredients (makes 8-10 pancakes):
1 no: Large potato
1 big chunk Pumpkin
1 cup: Kootu flour
1/2 cup: Singhara flour
1/4 cup: Curd
2 no: Green chilies
1" piece: Ginger
1/2 cup: Coriander finely chopped
Oil to shallow fry
Salt to taste


1.Run ginger and chilies in a mixer to crush finely.
2.Grate potato and pumpkin into a bowl of cold salted water.
3.Take flours in a deep bowl.
4.Make a well in the centre. Put coriander.
5.Press out water from grated veggies completely. Add in centre, with chilli-ginger.
6.Add salt, mix everything into an even batter.
7.Add some water if required.
8.Batter must be thick enough to spread on nonstick pan.
9.Keep aside for 30 minutes.
10.Heat 1 tbsp. Oil. Add to batter and mix well.
11.Heat nonstick tava or flat pan.
12.Pour one ladle-full batter in centre.
13.Spread to form a pancake, thin as possible.
14.Allow cooking. Drizzle with some oil.
15.Roast further till crisp.
16.Serve hot with pumpkin chutney or coconut chutney.
Variations: Pancakes can be varied widely, by adding toasted rajgiri, soaked granules of sago (sabudana), grated coconut etc.



1 comment:

  1. Awesome blog brij bala!!
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